Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Turkey Run

This weekend we got away from it all in Turkey Run, a large state park located around Sugar Creek. With all the rain and flooding, the creek was high, but Saturday was dry enough and temperate for a long hike.
Normally, hubby has issues with bridges, especially suspension bridges, but he did great both times we crossed this one, even telling me to get pictures from it's height. Such a brave man!

Which path do I choose?? On the left, the man-made bridge over a ditch, on the right, a log from a fallen tree. So many great dilemmas to philosophize over in this picture, so little time!

We hiked for 2 hours, viewing cavernous holes, rock formations, and even some wildlife.I nearly stepped on this little snake!

But mostly, his trip was about our anniversary and us being together, and I thoroughly enjoyed it! We have decided that this is a great place to bring the boys, as long as we add in a canoe trip and not hike quite so far! We'd make it a one day thing. This park is an hour's drive from my home.

..Oh, and we must remember to bring change for the arcade.. :)

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