Sunday, May 22, 2016

Planning for Summer Break

Whew, it is May and boy am I busy! Ending the school year is exciting and I've been counting down the days. Things are getting packed up, shuffled around, pictures taken down, books stored in boxes, and plans made for next year.

Yes, you heard me. I've already been planning for next year. Why, you ask? Because Nothing is the same year to year in a Functional classroom. The entire classroom dynamic changes.

You know how people can use stereotypes to generalize a classroom; the class clown, the know-it-all, the shy flower, etc.? Well, I can't. The dynamic in my classroom is based on how the students interact with each other. The amount of talkers, hand-flappers, flee-ers, artists, fighters, dreamers, and their quirks determine how the year will go. It's more than planning levels and types of learner. It's more than diversifying lessons. Not only do my lessons change, but my schedules and even classroom furniture.

But enough about work..

I also have been planing my summer break. So far, the fun stuff has made it to my calendar. That doesn't mean it will happen, but it does mean I'd like it to happen.

There are a lot of movies coming out that look good. Summer is prime movie season

Then there are also fun things to do like: hike, swim, play croquet, and whatever other things I make my kids go outside and do. I've been thinking of destinations, things to do, and other fun stuff.

I've thought of going to the Dunes on Lake Michigan because it is as close to a beach as we can get. 

I've thought of fishing, camping, and hiking in our parks.

I think we should visit the Feline Rescue Center sometime soon.

I've thought about small things like putting flowers on my Grandparents' grave because that is something children need to experience. 

And I've thought of summer school type activities for my children. I'm mean like that. 
But I haven't gotten all my ideas down yet.
That's okay! 

Some days I just don't feel like doing anything. I live in a part of the world with 4 seasons. Weather is weird. Some days are for staying home.

I have a HUGE stack of books to read.

I have a TON of lesson plans to write.

I have a mostly empty sketchbook and a board on Pinterest full of ideas.

Then there is the writing of the books floating around above my head just out of reach.

I have PLENTY of things to do and most likely not enough summer days to get them done! School is back in session on August 9th...

Thanks for joining in on my little planning session. What plans do you make for the summer? Maybe I can add some to my calendar..

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